The Telegraph, FEB 2018 by Gerard O'Donovan
”Impressively directed by Marcus Plowright and Luke Sewell, Generation Gifted was at its best highlighting how money isn’t the only, or even the biggest, obstacle poverty puts in place. The experiences of Anne-Marie and Shakira, less intensely focused than Jada, demonstrated how it corrodes confidence and self-esteem, the limits it places on horizons, plus the fear of failure and paralysing pressure to succeed it can impose”.
“What made this documentary excellent was that it tackled the social mobility crisis not via graphs and studies, but from a child’s-eye view. From here the playing field looked not just tilted, but upended. It wasn’t just that two of the girls had disabled siblings and lived in impoverished households, it was that they thus lacked any self-confidence, which is half the battle. If no one in your family has ever been to university, how much harder it is to visualise the path”.